
FPSO Inspection

Performance driven digital inspection

Failure to adopt robust inspection practices significantly reduces efficiency and increases risk. Marine Technical Limits (MTL) provides class leading systems and orchestrates inspection processes that drive efficiency and cost savings for our clients.  To deliver continued improvements and visibility to our clients, our methodology is now fully digitised through our PYXIS platform.

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Data certitude

Our system delivers complete confidence in the integrity of your data as well as full auditability. Real-time, evidence-based reporting significantly reduces the opportunity for human error. Users are guided through activities; data capture is constrained, and visual navigation eliminates location uncertainty.
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Efficient execution

PYXIS presents a full lifecycle, end-to-end solution for efficiently and effectively managing integrity. The PYXIS Inspector app is deployed onto zone 1 mobile devices such as inspection tablets, allowing data to be captured in real time, eliminating post reporting activities. This typically results in a 30% time saving on reporting and data processing activities, eliminating the need for offshore overtime to process finding reports.

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Guided inspections

The PYXIS Inspector app is designed to guide the inspector through a workplan, clearly defining where to look and what to report. Digital inspection workbooks dynamically track the inspection location, progress and provide the correct reporting information together with all available backup materials on what the reporting requirements are and how to record them.
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Real-time inspection reporting

Post processing of inspection and repair activities significantly increases the opportunity for errors and misreporting. PYXIS syncs data in near real-time, enabling engineers to review and assess findings immediately, enabling a two-way flow of information whilst the inspection is on-going.

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Optimised inspections

PYXIS delivers maximised value from inspection time by prioritising tasks in order of importance ensuring that the most urgent tasks are always carried out. The FPSO digital workbooks enable the scope to be flexed in response to changing time constraints or inspection findings. Inspectors avoid wasting time reporting known defects (double reporting).
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Manned, UAV and ROV capable

PYXIS Inspector is the ideal tool for manned inspections, but it can also be integrated to control the live camera feed for UAV and ROV inspections. This significantly improves efficiency and quality of unmanned inspections, enabling the naval architect/inspector to guide the pilot to capture high quality data as efficiently as possible.

Get In Touch

Contact us today to see how we can help you.