
FPSO Asset Management

Digital asset management

PYXIS is a fully digital platform which manages hull structural integrity. This crucial tool helps to minimise inspection and OPEX costs, and supports good decision making throughout the lifecycle of an asset. The PYXIS platform underpins our industry leading practices and supports our clients by providing certainty, visibility and clarity.
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Proven framework

PYXIS is built on industry best practice utilising a proven framework and processes to specifically manage hull integrity. It is a fully digitised workflow which can easily be implemented or can be tailored to meet specific requirements. PYXIS can also be tailored to integrate with management systems such as SAP and Maximo.
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Criticality assessment

Findings are assessed and categorised in the PYXIS Engineer app by Naval Architects. Setting several criteria – anomaly type and grading, required action and re-inspection interval – allows rapid assessment of hull condition. Along with clear presentation of all current and historical data, this allows better understanding and identification of present and future risk to hull integrity.
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Work management

PYXIS allows you to schedule planned inspections and to incorporate any adhoc activities required for anomaly re-inspection and repair. With all information available to you in one place, you have a birds eye view of what is due to be carried out ensuring that tasks aren’t missed and work can be planned and executed in an optimal way.
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Reduced OPEX

Whether managing integrity of a newly deployed asset or conducting a life extension program, PYXIS optimises integrity management. By following the established workflows, data is collected and assessed correctly first time, avoiding re-work. Clearly presented, high quality data allows risks to be identified and inspection and maintenance resources can be targeted where they are really needed. This way reactive maintenance and downtime are avoided and OPEX costs can be significantly reduced.
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Asset integrity dashboard

The intuitive dashboard offers a holistic view of the structural integrity and operational condition of your asset. Providing the ability to drill down into the data that is represented in each component interface, allowing you to identify problem areas from the highest level right down to the fine details.
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2D and 3D visualisation

Visual navigation allow users, to quickly and easily access detailed visual representations of anomaly data regardless of technical expertise. The 3D aspects of the application allows users who are unfamiliar with technical drawings, to visualise anomalies in the context of their location in the hull.
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PYXIS Engineer is securely hosted in the Cloud and accessible to all stakeholders on multiple devices and platforms. Using the PYXIS Web client, access to the application is available anytime, anywhere providing a single source of truth for the integrity of your asset.
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Enhanced productivity

PYXIS drives efficiency and performance across your whole organisation. It provides class leading tools for each touch point of your asset integrity management workflow and delivers the perfect balance of simplicity and performance to ensure processes are followed accurately and with complete transparency.

Get In Touch

Contact us today to see how we can help you.