Asset Integrity Management
FPSO Integrity Strategy & Planning
Marine Technical Limits (MTL) develops targeted and efficient FPSO integrity management strategies designed to reinforce safe operating conditions, support production demands and optimise the lifespan of an asset.

Design and Digitisation
Everything you need

Risk-based integrity management
By using risk-based structural integrity management strategies to determine potential failure locations and inspection frequencies we allow you to manage and extend the life of your vessel. We can quickly and efficiently gather and manage qualitative and quantitative data, through our integrity management system PYXIS.
Smart workbooks

Integrity management system
Anomaly assessment

Aging and life extension
As discussed our industry leading in-house integrity management system, PYXIS, underpins each and every one of our services. Managing the data for an FPSO has been difficult and confusing, digitalistion can resolve any challenges and we are leading the transformation with the development of PYXIS. This unique software was developed by MTL in-house and is a powerful and effective tool that organises and manages critical data.

Get In Touch
Contact us today to see how we can help you.